

This article is about importance of editing. It is important to have your story edited as well as proofread. Proofreading only covers discrepancies such as spelling, continuity in story, and grammar. Proofreading does not cover errors such as my first book ‘Jane...


This article is about how to get reviews for your Ebook. The reason I am ignoring paperback is that production cost can be as low as £4.50 per book. In supermarkets and airports, books sell for as cheap £4.99 for three books. So, it is still a monopoly on giant...
Writers Block

Writers Block

This article is about how to overcome writers block. I have found that I unblock my story writing by stepping away from the computer and allowing my mind to relax. I do not force myself to find a solution to a continual plot. I help my mind to relax by going to the...
Fight Scenes and Romance Scenes

Fight Scenes and Romance Scenes

There is always the problem of whether there should be a fight scene or a sex scene and how to describe it. I will be giving my perspective based on the six books I have already published. Fight Scenes I have published three books relating to fight scenes. I have...