Cold Bones


Cold Case Detective, Thriller, Crime and Murder.



Prepare to delve into a gripping tale of grief, a town forever changed, and a compassionate detective on a mission to provide closure. In “Cold Bones,” Stoane, a retired detective, finds himself at odds with an unfulfilling retirement and constantly underfoot of his patient wife. However, when a senator personally requests his assistance on a mysterious cold case, Stoane is drawn back into the world of crime-solving.


Joined by a tenacious journalist who grew up in the town and a skilled forensic pathologist, Stoane forms an unlikely team as they embark on an intense pursuit of the truth. The clock is ticking, as they race against time to unravel the secrets of a four-decade-old case before a prisoner is executed by lethal injection.


Haunted by the weight of responsibility, Stoane is driven by his unwavering determination to bring closure to a grieving family. Will he be able to piece together the puzzle and uncover the long-awaited truth before it’s too late?


“Cold Bones” is a tense and suspenseful murder mystery novel, skillfully weaving the threads of a captivating “will they or won’t they” solve the case narrative. Leon M A Edwards delivers an emotional and engrossing journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. If you’re a fan of whodunit mysteries, cold cases, and gripping suspense, this gritty thriller is a perfect choice.


Immerse yourself in the intricate web of secrets, murder, and suspense as Detective Stoane races against time to solve a decades-old case. Are you ready to join him on this pulse-pounding quest for justice? Grab your copy of “Cold Bones” today and discover if the mystery meant to stay buried will finally be unearthed.